Ok, so I am so new to this whole blog thing and I have no clue what I am doing but I
can tell you that I'm excited about this new little venture. I've always been interested in little projects around the house and making our home feel more like a home. I just always thought you had to have money to do what I always wanted to do around our house. As a stay at home mom with a husband that is in construction, right now, the money is just not there to do anything other than what we have to do. So, in comes my stumbling accross
http://www.thriftydecorchick.com/ a couple of months ago. I LOVE this blog, Sarah has inspired me to think outside of the box and use what I already have (who knew I had so much already!) to make my home beautiful. I just completely love her style of decorating and from there I have found a ton of other blogs that have inspired me also. With that being said, Salvation Army and other thrift stores have become my new best friend. I love getting inspiration from more expensive stores and turning thrift store items into
gorgeous knock offs. So, I was in my local Michaels the other day getting something (can't even remember now) and saw all of the new French cottage inspired decor they had out. I thought it was all sooo cute but didn't even think too much about it, until last night. I thought I should probably go back and get some pictures of all of the stuff I like and try to duplicate it, for my home and to maybe sell one day. So I went into Michaels this morning with no makeup, greasy hair, and a hoodie taking pictures of all of their stuff. I can't imagine what people were thinking. But do I care? No. Because I got some good ideas and my wheels are already turning. And besides I'm a mom to two toddlers, that's a good enough excuse to not wash my hair, right? Here's some of the stuff I found that I absolutley LOVE...
I ADORE the key on the wall, too cute! There are some good ideas in this picture.
Ok, I found one of these same exact holders at Goodwill for $1.99 (woo hoo) and will have to post about it soon because I would love to duplicate this. In one of the pictures they show it as a remote holder for your living room but I think I could come up with something fancier than that, we'll see...

I love these vases and of course the birdcages, these things are everywhere right now. Sooo cute!
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