Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Where I've Been

Hey there! It's been a while since I've been on here but I promise you that I've got all kinds of blog ideas in my head just waiting to come out! We've definitely been busy with the kids and work and now softball is coming up and my husband and I are now coach and team mom. Pretty crazy! But we've managed to do a few little projects around the house that I am dying to blog about. After Christmas my husband took a week off, which is very rare around here, and helped me get some things checked off of the ole to do list. First was to paint our huge red accent wall in our living room. I think I got tired of that ugly, dark wall about, umm, maybe the day after we moved in but it just never got re-painted. Here it is before: 

And after we painted it:

Ahhh. So much better. I've actually rearranged our living room too and I LOVE this setup. There's much more room now and it feels more open. But, I moved our huge box tv out of the way so all this room could happen and currently we don't have a tv in the living room. Which has it's good and bad sides. The kids just watch their cartoons in our room now which makes for a mostly tidy living room 99% of the time. Eventually I  do want a flat screen for above the mantel but for now we are making it work :)

I also bought some curtains to add something to this now big, open wall. I ordered them from Curtainworks.com and absolutely love them. 

Another little project we did was build our farmhouse table for the breakfast room. We out grew our old round table and constantly had to pull chairs from the dining room where we could all have a meal together. We got the plans from ana-white.com, I love this site! I think Ana makes everything seem so easy to do! 
Here's my husband working on one of the first steps:

It came together in just a few hours on New Years Eve and it took me about a week to putty, sand, stain, and to move it inside. 

Now, we are working on finding time to build matching benches. In the mean time though we are using another bench my husband built. All three of our kids plus me can fit on one side of the table so we're making due with it until we get the other bench built. 
But other than that we have been doing great! 

Here's another picture of the boys enjoying their scrambled eggs at the new table one lazy morning, such sweet moments!
